The Yngling is an International Class affiliated to World Sailing
The International Yngling Association (IYA) promotes and furthers the interests of the Yngling Class throughout the world.
- IYA maintains the one-design character of the Yngling yacht in close cooperation with World Sailing.
- IYA coordinates and maintains the affairs and rules of the Class.
- IYA encurages and coordinates national and international competition in the Class.
For current activities of the Class please refer to the websites of the National Yngling Associations and Facebook
Information from Yngling International
Update: 2025 Worlds at the Oosterschelde
Dear Ynglingsailors, We would like to inform you about the 2025 Worlds at the Oosterschelde, Netherlands. First of all, we want to let you know that we had to make the change back... READ MORE
The International Yngling Regattas 2025 – 2027
Confirmed: Not confirmed, but in planning: READ MORE
The Riva Package – confirmed
The following combination – The Riva Package – offers a lot of sailing within 8 days READ MORE
1993 – 2000 International Yngling Magazines
Dear Ygnling Friends! As posted Kjell Eirik Henanger, a long time Yngling friend, has a lot of hard copies of our Yngling Magazines. 1993 up to 2000. We got them all! See here:... READ MORE
Norwegian report
The weekend of 17th-18th of August saw 20 Yngling gather for this year’s Norwegian Championship. Venue was a possible bidder to the YWC 2029 Tønsberg Seilforening as organiser. Located on the west side... READ MORE
Rankings – Yngling Worlds 2024
It took a while and you all know who won the Yngling Worlds 2024. But still, here’s the ranking of it: Regatta Results Thanks again for the great host Union-Yacht Club Traunsee! READ MORE
Early Info Yngling Worlds 2026 – Askøy/Bergen Norway
Dear Yngling Sailors. Have a look at the Askøy Worlds ’26 – Early Information from the Norsk Yngling Klubb READ MORE
1993 International Yngling Magazine
Great News! Kjell Eirik Henanger, a long time Yngling friend, has a lot of hard copies of our Yngling Magazines. 1993 up to 2000. We will add these treasures to our ‘Documents page... READ MORE