Yngling Open World Championship 2023

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Sundby Sejlforening in Amager, Copenhagen (Denmark) will host the Yngling Open World Championship 2023 – as approved at the AGM 2022. The event will take place from Saturday 22 July to Saturday 29 July 2023. The invitation presentation shall give … Continued

Worlds 2022 Travemünde – Update 1

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Information about berths, pitches, camping and accommodation in general can be found on these links:German: https://www.travemuender-woche.com/regatta/liegeplaetze-unterkuenfte.htmlEnglish: https://www.travemuender-woche.com/race/mooring-accomodation.html Pitch and camping can be booked now. More information and registration will follow in the week of May 16.